Trina Moyles is an author, journalist, and creative producer.  Her work is inspired by rural communities and relationships with land, wildlife, food security, and climate change.  Katie was commissioned to update Trina’s portfolio website, elevating her accomplishments and enhancing the user experience.  While there was a focus to highlight Trina’s accolades, we made sure to include her future and where she plans to grow her personal brand too.  While creating beautiful narratives showcasing the books that Trina has penned, and noteworthy research work, it only felt appropriate to launch another vertical that gives access to her day-to-day and behind the scenes, Field Notes.

The completed product showcases many years of hard work and a glimpse into an exciting future.


April 2023


Brand development

Web development





Art direction

Graphic design




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the Homepage

Delivering information in a clean and concise manner was top of mind when designing Trina’s website.  By offering bites of information while scrolling down the homepage we are introduced to exciting features in a tastefully pleasing tone.  

Showcasing her two published books held high priority.  By keeping the introduction clean we put focus on the book's artwork.  Each book links to a beautiful editorial feature that provides a deeper dive into their conception and other insider access.

Book profile: women who dig

Trina’s inaugural non-fiction novel, Women who dig, was published in 2018 and is a body of work that is still growing today.   Working alongside filmmaker Anna Kuelken, Trina is producing a documentary inspired by the Canadian chapter with a release date set in 2025.  This page is dedicated to her novel and research, providing a behind the scenes look at the women she met, places she’s been, and where this body of work is going.

book profile: lookout

Trina’s memoir Lookout won the hearts of many when she brought us into her world as a fire tower lookout in the Boreal forest.  For such a deeply personal novel we made sure it had its own feature on her site.  Incorporating some never before seen visuals, we also made sure to include other articles she wrote related to the subject.


The ‘Work’ vertical offered a serendipitous opportunity to showcase Trina’s photographic eye. Each article featured will allow her to showcase her skills and creative perspective with this tailored customization.

field notes

During our kickoff meeting a couple things stuck out; Trina’s love (and talent) for photography and the wonderful events that she’s a part of while researching and writing for her next project. Two key ingredients to her DNA that weren’t present on her current website.  With our conversation being focused on her future and her targets for growth launching the vertical, Field Notes, was a natural strategic move.  This category would allow her to showcase her photography, storytelling, and provide a behind the scenes look as to where life takes her.  Three different templates were created for Trina to choose from to provide ease when it came to her building in the frontend.



